Le troisième Workshop international «Sécurité Internet»
Catégorie : Séminaires | Ajouté le : 11/11/2013 16:49 |
Ajouté par : Technologuepro | Lectures : 14941 |
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Le troisième Workshop international «Sécurité Internet» est organisé conjointement par l'ISESCO; COMSATS; INIT, l'Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques (ISET) de Nabeul, en Tunisie, et l'Institut COMSATS des technologies de l'information (CIIT), Pakistan, du 9 au 13 Décembre 2013, à l’ISET de Nabeul, Tunisie. L'atelier vise à fournir un forum d’échange pour les jeunes scientifiques/chercheurs des pays en développement pour se renseigner sur les dernières avancées dans le domaine de la sécurité Internet, de promouvoir l'utilisation des technologies ultra moderne pour la protection du réseau et des ressources réseau accessibles à partir de différents types d'attaques malveillantes et identifier les solutions efficaces pour les organisations gouvernementales, du grand public et des entreprises commerciales par le biais du risque des analyses rigoureuses et des approches de gestion de la sécurité RESOURCEPERSONS The workshop will be conducted by the following experts:
BACKGROUND The 21st century saw rapid advancements in IT and telecommunications, particularly computing hardware and software, which resulted in the availability of smaller, inexpensive and more efficient equipment for organizations, businesses and home users. INTRODUCTION The third five-day International Workshop on ‘Internet Security: Enhancing Information Exchange Safeguards’ is being jointly organized by ISESCO; COMSATS; INIT; the Higher Institute of Technological Studies (ISET), Nabeul, Tunisia; and the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Pakistan, on December 9-13, 2013, in ISET Nabeul,Tunisia. AIMSANDOBJECTIVES The workshop aims to provide a forum to the young scientists/researchers from the developing countries to learn about the latest advancements in the field of Internet security; promote the use of state-of-the-art technologies for protection of network and network-accessible resources from different types of malicious attacks; and identify effective Internet/information security solutions for general public, governmental organizations and commercial ventures through rigorous risk-analyses and security management approaches. FORMAT The workshop includes technical presentations, tutorials and hands-on training sessions by a group of renowned subject experts. It will cover major aspects of Internet/information security, ranging from theoretical understanding of cryptographic algorithms to practical subtleties of the network systems, and will also address the related managerial and technical issues. Moreover, a handful of network security tools will be demonstrated to provide opportunities to the participants to update their knowledge-base and interact with experts for further collaborative undertakings. KEYAREAS Following are the key topics of the workshop: TARGETEDINDIVIDUALS Young researchers, practitioners , academicians, executives, system administrators, system programmers, and students working i n the f i e l d o f Internet/information security and cryptography are invited to participate in the workshop. EXPECTEDOUTCOMES The workshop is expected to enable the participants to: FINANCIALSUPPORT Partial or full financial support will be provided to selected foreign participants from common
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